Bond County Transit History

Transportation Transformation, By Anna Oestreich, Executive Director (1982-2016) of Bond County Senior Citizens Center

Blue Bird historic transit vehicle From humble beginnings in February 1982, grew a general public transportation system that serves rural Bond County in Illinois.

Pictured is the first vehicle purchased by Bond County Senior Center. It was the early vision of the center to be able to provide transportation to the older adults of the county. Each week, on their designated day and at their designated time, the senior citizens in each little town bustled aboard the "“Blue Bird"” to do their shopping and weekly errands.

Over the years, the need for service within the county grew. In 1998, the agency applied for and received an Access to Employment grant from the Illinois Department of Human Services. This was its first experience in providing transportation outside services strictly for the elderly. The effort was successful and the contract was extended. In 2000, the agency was designated as the operator for Bond County’s Section 5311 Public Transportation Program.

The next major milestone was achieved [in 2008], with the receipt of Downstate Operating Assistance funds. The additional funding will allow for further system development resulting in considerable expansion of service in FY 2009. It has been announced that the system was awarded a JARC grant during the last application cycle. Bond County Transit (BCT) utilizes a demand and response service delivery system. Current expansion includes the addition of established stops and the implementation of a more streamlined and efficient method of service.

Text above is taken from a Spotlight Article first published in TRANSREPORT: The Newsletter Of The Illinois Rural Transit Assistance (RTAC) Program, Summer 2008 Issue. Click to visit the website of Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs.